Welcome to West Coast BugSweep
We’re the BugSweeps You Need
It’s easy to get bugged these days. Ensure your safety by hiring a professional team of bugsweeps today.
We use cutting-edge tech to detect hidden audio, video, wiretapping equipment, and other devices.
From rooms, vehicles, and homes, to entire offices, buildings, schools, planes, yachts, and more, we offer a professional, comprehensive bugsweeping service in Southern CA.
We are thorough and detail-oriented.
We have decades of experience.
Honest & Confidential
We are honest, reliable, and confidential.
We Provide You with the Peace of Mind You Need— Professional Bug Detection Services in Southern CA
We check homes, businesses, and all vehicles for bugs, listening devices, wiretapping equipment, and hidden cameras.

Modern-day technology has made it very easy to bug people. This is where we come in. Our team of professional and experienced bugsweeps uses the highest level of cutting-edge technology to deliver results that protect our clients.
Whether the threat is in your home, vehicle, business, or anywhere else, we’re going to find it.
Our team of TSCM professionals comprises highly-trained retired law enforcement agents with decades of training in the field. Our job is to make your privacy a priority, and we take it seriously.
So, if you suspect being bugged, you can reach out to us via 951-570-2001. We provide a FREE, confidential consultation.
Get your home, vehicle, and business bug-proofed today.
Keep Your Conversations Private. Hire Our Bug-Proofing Services Today.
Call us at 951-570-2001 for a totally confidential consultation.