West Coast Bug Sweep: Your Partner in Privacy Protection

Feel like you’re being watched, listened to, or tracked?

Discover and Remove Hidden Audio, Video, GPS, and Airtag Devices in Southern CA.

Contact us today for a FREE consultation.

(951) 570 2001 (Ernie)
(909) 203 0245 (Ivan)

West Coast Bug Sweeps, Inc.

Why Choose West Coast Bug Sweep for Bug Detection?

Suspect you’re being bugged? Trust West Coast Bug Sweep to thoroughly bug sweep your home, office, school, vehicle, boat, or plane across Orange County, Los Angeles, San Diego County, Riverside, Palm Springs, and San Bernardino County.

We offer advanced bug-listening device detection and air tag detection services, using cutting-edge technology to safeguard your privacy.

Contact us today for comprehensive bug sweeping and protection.

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Services Needed

Expert Bug Sweep Services by a Highly Trained Team

Our team comprises seasoned professionals with over a decade of specialized experience. Each member of our highly trained team is equipped with the knowledge and skills to handle complex detection scenarios effectively. We prioritize confidentiality and deliver detailed reports with actionable insights to enhance your security measures.

Utilizing Cutting-Edge Bug Detection Technology

We integrate cutting-edge technology with extensive expertise to provide unparalleled bug detection services. Our team undergoes rigorous training and stays updated on the latest advancements in electronic surveillance detection.

Extensive Bug Detection Coverage Across Varied Settings

Our comprehensive bug detection services extend to rooms, offices, entire buildings, vehicles, planes, yachts, phones, fax machines, office equipment, electrical wiring and outlets, ventilation systems, appliances, furnishings, ceilings, under floors, and any other conceivable location

Hire Our Professional Bug Detection Services Today

We check homes, businesses, and all vehicles for bugs, spy camera detection, hidden spy camera, air tag detection, TSCM Counter Surveillance & listening devices.

We detect hidden GPS and AirTags

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Give Yourself Some Peace of Mind

Ensure the privacy of your communications today with us.

Call or text us for a FREE consultation.

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This is what we do

Are you bugged? Insure the privacy of your communications by contracting West Coast Bugsweep services to do an electronic sweep of your home, business, car, airplane, or yacht. We offer a full range of bug sweeping and eavesdropping detection services throughout the State of California including Orange County, Los Angeles County, San Diego, Riverside, Palm Springs, San Bernardino County for businesses, organizations and individuals.

Our bug sweep detection services can be conducted on rooms, offices, entire buildings, phones, fax machines, office equipment, electrical wiring and outlets, ventilation systems, appliances, furnishings, ceilings, under floors, and virtually anywhere that Electronic Listening Device Detector
Surveillance Equipment listening devices or video surveillance systems may be hidden. We can also sweep for the presence of hidden Global Positioning Systems (GPS) that may be secretly installed to track the location of vehicles.

Highly Trained and Experienced Team

Technical Surveillance Countermeasure (TSCM) Services



Get Your Home, Vehicle, and Office clear of hidden devices.

Keep Your Conversations Private. Hire Our professional staff Today.

  • Bugs Inspection

Hire West Coast Bugsweep to detect hidden devices such as audio, video, Airtags and GPS in your home, office, vehicle, boat, or plane today.

Call us today for a FREE, confidential consultation.

Call Us Now